
Yearly Archives: 2012

Bats, Bears, and Bongos at Milwaukee County Zoo’s ‘Boo at the Zoo’

Bats, Bears, and Bongos at Milwaukee County Zoo’s ‘Boo at the Zoo’

The Milwaukee County Zoo will be filled with a host of Halloween activities as Sendik’s Food Markets presents “Boo at the Zoo” Friday, Oct. 19 and Saturday, Oct. 20 from… Read more »

Latinos and Higher Education

Latinos and Higher Education

Courtesy of HispanicallySpeaking News Today, Latinos are the fastest growing demographic in the United States. They represent one out of every six people in the country and have an estimated… Read more »

LISC y el Alcalde Celebran la Reinauguración del Campo de Atletismo Altgeld Park

LISC y el Alcalde Celebran la Reinauguración del Campo de Atletismo Altgeld Park

El transformar polvorientos campos de fútbol y soccer llenos de hoyos en instalaciones atléticas de primera durante toda una década, la Corporación de Apoyo a Iniciativas Locales (LISC) de Chicago… Read more »

Reciba un Examen de Mama y un Mamograma

Reciba un Examen de Mama y un Mamograma

Los exámenes físicos regulares no solo asegura la salud en general sino también son muy importantes para detectar el cáncer de mama y el cáncer cervical en sus etapas iniciales…. Read more »

Berwyn Police Investigate Domestic Related Shooting

Berwyn Police Investigate Domestic Related Shooting

At approximately 5:25 am Friday, Berwyn Fire Department Paramedics were dispatched to a residence in the 1300 block of Home Ave for an unknown emergency medical assistance call. On entering… Read more »

Natural Cold and Flu Remedies

Natural Cold and Flu Remedies

It’s no wonder natural cold and flu remedies are popular, modern medicine has yet to offer a cure for these age-old ailments. While some medications can prevent and shorten the… Read more »

Murciélagos, Osos y Bongos en el Zoológico del Condado de Milwaukee durante “Boo at the Zoo”

Murciélagos, Osos y Bongos en el Zoológico del Condado de Milwaukee durante “Boo at the Zoo”

The Milwaukee County Zoo will be filled with a host of Halloween activities as Sendik’s Food Markets presents “Boo at the Zoo” Friday, Oct. 19 and Saturday, Oct. 20 from… Read more »

Día Nacional Latino de Conciencia del SIDA

Día Nacional Latino de Conciencia del SIDA

La epidemia del HIV continua siendo una amenaza seria para la comunidad Latina. Mientras que los latinos representan aproximadamente el 16 por ciento de la población de EE. UU., fueron… Read more »

LISC, Mayor Celebrate Reopening of Altgeld Park Athletic Field

LISC, Mayor Celebrate Reopening of Altgeld Park Athletic Field

Transforming dusty, bumpy football and soccer fields into state of the art athletic facilities for more than a decade, Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago (LISC) celebrated the latest Chicago one… Read more »

Get a Breast Exam and Mammogram

Get a Breast Exam and Mammogram

Regular physical checkups not only ensure overall health but they are also very important for detecting breast and cervical cancer at their earliest stages. Breast screenings are recommended every year… Read more »