
Yearly Archives: 2012

River North Chiropractor to Host Free Workshop on Sugar and Weight Gain

River North Chiropractor to Host Free Workshop on Sugar and Weight Gain

On Thursday, September 20th Chiro One Wellness Center of River North will host a free workshop presented by Dr. Katrina Ordóñez, D.C. on the dangers of sugar and the relationship… Read more »

El Hospital Mount Sinai Lanza la Filantrofía ‘Sonidos del Sinai’

El Hospital Mount Sinai Lanza la Filantrofía ‘Sonidos del Sinai’

Se cree que la música ayuda a sanar al enfermo e inspirar el alma. De hecho, el poder de sanación de la música gana rápidamente aceptación en el moderno cuidado… Read more »

Back-to-School with Better Bodies, Better Health

Back-to-School with Better Bodies, Better Health

By: Ashmar Mandou With school in session, Athletico physical therapist Art Sifuentes offered up a couple of tips as to how kids can have a healthier school season. “Sometimes kids… Read more »

Chicago Teachers Union Hit the Picket Lines to Fight for a Fair Contract

Chicago Teachers Union Hit the Picket Lines to Fight for a Fair Contract

By: Carmen Lopez The Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools officials did not reach an agreement on their recent contract negotiations. This forced teachers around the city report to… Read more »

Erie Neighborhood House Ofrece Cursos en Carreras Técnicas

Erie Neighborhood House Ofrece Cursos en Carreras Técnicas

El Departamento de Desarrollo de Fuerza Laboral de Erie Neighborhood House tendrá una clase de control numérico computarizado gratuito (CNC) para la gente interesada en una carrera técnica en el… Read more »

BUILD Chicago Opens Doors During CTU Strike

BUILD Chicago Opens Doors During CTU Strike

Courtesy of BUILD Chicago With the strike by the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) now official, more than 400,000 students are out of their classrooms just as their school year is… Read more »

El Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago en la Línea de Lucha por un Contrato Justo

El Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago en la Línea de Lucha por un Contrato Justo

Por: Carmen López El Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago y los funcionarios de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago no llegaron a un acuerdo en sus recientes negociaciones de contrato. Esto… Read more »

Reluctant Independence Fighter

Reluctant Independence Fighter

By: Daniel Nardini Much controversy remains surrounding the historical figure Agustin de Iturbide. Born into a prominent criollo (those born of Spanish blood in the Americas) family in 1783, Iturbide… Read more »

Searching for the Franklin Expedition

Searching for the Franklin Expedition

By: Daniel Nardini A survey and research team from the University of Victoria in Canada will be looking for the remains of two ships that were part of the Franklin… Read more »

Finally Honoring a Hero of the 65th Infantry Regiment

Finally Honoring a Hero of the 65th Infantry Regiment

By:Daniel Nardini Why this was not done decades ago is a mystery, but finally the U.S. Army is trying to honor those military heroes who should have received their medals… Read more »