Lawndale News Chicago’s Bilingual Newspaper – Local News
The Chicago Zoological Society, which manages Brookfield Zoo, invites all Chicagoland-area students in grades 6th through 12th to participate in a poetry contest reflecting the spirit of Cesar Chavez and his commitment to improving lives and communities through nonviolent social action. The entries may be in either Spanish or English or a combination of both languages. All entries must be received by or before Friday, April 5th at 5p.m. Winning entries will be put on display at Brookfield Zoo and winners will receive four general zoo admission passes, one parking pass, and four reserved lawn seats for one of the zoo’s Viva la Fiesta concerts in June 2013. For further information, including the official contest rules and to download the entry form, visit
www.CZS.org/ChavezPoetry or call 708-688-8000. Mail entries to Brookfield Zoo, 3300 Golf Road, Brookfield, IL 60513 or email