Charity Kicks Up Efforts to Help Serve Underprivileged Children

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local NewsGear for Goals is on a mission to impact the lives of over 10,000 underprivileged kids this year and they moved one step closer to that goal by donating Tae Kwon Do equipment to Working Together, a Highland Park-based organization working with low-income Hispanic children.

“Area residents Alicia De La Cruz and Margoth Moreno have created a wonderful program for children who are often forgotten right in our own back yard,” says Gear for Goals’ Executive Director, Dr. Warren Bruhl. “When they reached out to us to ask if we could donate head gear and chest pads for sparring it wasn’t a question of if, but when we could help.”

Teachers from Working Together were using two sets of equipment for twenty to twenty five students over the past three years and with G4G’s recent donation, now all the children have enough equipment to fully participate.
“We all donate our time to work with children on programs that could otherwise be out of reach for families in our community,” says De La Cruz. “Since the beginning, Working Together has been a unique program in which people in the community get involved to help each other and it’s a program that promotes volunteerism and mutual aid.” Working Together is a self-funded program developed by De La Cruz and Moreno, both immigrants themselves, that provides children access to art, sport and cultural activities.

Since Gear for Goals’ launch the summer of 2012, over 3,500 pieces of sports equipment and uniforms have been provided to underprivileged children. G4G currently ships to the Dominican Republic, Kenya, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Russia, Philippines, Jamaica, India, and Cuba. For more information about Gear for Goals, visit To find out more about how you can help, contact Gear for Goals’ Executive Director, Dr. Warren Bruhl at 312.869.2031.

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