By: Ashmar Mandou
In honor of Mother’s Day we put a spotlight on one of the most courageous mothers out there today, Felipa Mena. Mena lost her son four years ago to street violence and turned that tragedy around to become a beacon of hope for many mothers who have lost a child to an act of violence. Mena embodies compassion and tenacity to change the dire circumstances affecting many youth around the Chicago area.
She is one of many women who inspire others to be the best they can be in life. And if we are fortunate, we have women, like Mena, in our own life to motivate us to continue to be stronger leaders. Leaders like, Mike Oquendo, who founded Mikey O Comedy Productions, Tanya Cabrera, associate director for minority outreach at Illinois Institute for Technology, and Sol Flores, executive director for La Casa Norte. These leaders exemplify great will at making lives better whether it be through laughter or policy change, and they all attribute their strength to their mother. This week they shared with us one of their fondest memories in honor of Mother’s Day. Enjoy~
“My mother has always been my biggest supporter and fan, I remember being in the 4th grade and I sang “De Colores” as a solo for a talent show and can still remember how much she enjoyed it. Whenever I here that song I still get a sense of accomplishment, no matter how whacky my ideas have been she has always encouraged me to push ahead. I think Abraham Lincoln’s said it best ‘All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.’ I love being my mom’s personal clown.”
-Mikey O
“I think the biggest lesson my mother and other women in my family have taught me is endurance. That no matter how bad it gets, we will continue to rise. She’s a living martyr in our family and the foundation of all that we hold true as individuals trying to do good.”
-Tanya Cabrera
“People often say, “you have a beautiful name” – Sol Amores Flores and I respond, “thank you, it was my mother’s idea, I had nothing to do with it, I just showed up!” And when I did show up, Rosa Flores bestowed upon me all of her knowledge, energy and love. As a single working mother, she was courageous, generous and creative in exposing me to life: from teaching me how to read, taking me to rallies on social justice issues and volunteering to serve the elderly and the homeless. Rosa taught me about the values of education, family, justice and community service; about the responsibility of living up to my name and doing my small part in making the world a little better. She is my single greatest inspiration. Happy Mother’s Day Ma!”
-Sol Flores