“Saturday Night Live,” NBC’s Emmy Award-winning late-night comedy showcase, is revolutionizing comedy once again. This time, in Mexico. Mexican comedian Eugenio Derbez, Fernando Rovzar (Lemon Films), and Adriana Bello (Días de Gracia) will head the production team that will translate the SNL format into Mexico. Much in the same way that SNL has influenced the art of comedy in the United States, SNL Mexico is now looking to do the same for Latin America, and has begun a search for Spanish-speaking talent both in Mexico and the United States, with hopes to cast a total of nine writers and nine cast members.
On Wednesday June 5th, the first of a series of national showcases will be held, this one at the legendary iO Theater, 3541 N. Clark St., in Chicago. There, performers will present a five minute routine in front of the producers and iO Artistic Director Charna Halpern. Potential performers and their representatives are encouraged to contact Ms. Halpern (charna@ioimprov.com) or iO Creative Director Michael Balzer (mikebalzer@ioimprov.com) for information on obtaining an audition slot. The showcase is open to the public and admission is free. Once selected, the final cast and writers will shoot a “live” pilot for the Network in Mexico City.