The Better Government Association is asking Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the City Council to pass the Privatization Transparency and Accountability Ordinance. The urgency comes after the parking meter deal sparked controversy. Alderman Roderick Sawyer introduced the ordinance in 2012 and is seeking more attention from city officials. “Before any privatization deals would go forward we should have a hearing about them open and honestly that states all the pros and cons of a service or an asset being privatized,” said Alderman Sawyer of the sixth ward, during a press conference held at City Hall Wednesday morning. The ordinance would require the City Council to discuss and vote on any privatization deals over $250,000. Andy Shaw, President and CEO of the Better Government Association, is seeking immediate action from Mayor Emanuel. “Call it up Mayor Emanuel, call it up Alderman Mell. Let’s have a hearing,” said Alderman Shaw.