State Representative Cynthia Soto (D-Chicago) applauded the bipartisan legislative effort as session adjourned. Rep. Soto continued to advocate for a responsible and transparent state budget, increased access to health care services, and improvements to the state’s education system.
“This year’s session was full of tough decisions and challenges,” Soto said. “We will continue demanding a responsible budget, placing importance on the expansion of Medicaid, and working to strengthen the state’s education system.”
Rep. Soto supported pay cuts for all state legislators for the third consecutive year. Both Democrats and Republicans supported House Bill 1441, a measure requiring lawmakers to work several furlough days and no pay increases.
Soto co-sponsored legislation to expand health care access to those who most need the services. Senate Bill 26 is a Medicaid expansion package, which expands health care options to 342,000 low-income Illinois citizens who are currently uninsured. “We need to make sure that programs such as Medicaid are available to everyone who truly needs the coverage and would otherwise not be able to afford adequate health care,” said Soto.
Soto, a member of the Elementary and Secondary Education and Higher Education appropriations committees, worked with both sides of the aisle to create an education budget which maintains support for early childhood and bilingual education. After a long fought process, early childhood education was allocated $293,962,400 and bilingual education received $63,381,200 allowing students to receive the resources necessary to maximize their potential.