
Yearly Archives: 2013

Official English is English Only

Official English is English Only

By: Daniel Nardini Well, there are those within the U.S. government who are still trying to pass legislation to make English the “official” language of government. Now I hear them… Read more »

Cacique Teams Up with UNO Schools to Support Education

Cacique Teams Up with UNO Schools to Support Education

Cacique currently has underway its first-ever school fundraising program “Cacique and You Can Help Your UNO School.” The number one brand of Hispanic chesses, chorizos and creams, seeks to engage… Read more »

El Concilio Comunitario Vecinos de Pilsen y el Fondo Illinois Dream Combinan Esfuerzos para Servir a Jóvenes Latinos Necesitados

El Concilio Comunitario Vecinos de Pilsen y el Fondo Illinois Dream Combinan Esfuerzos para Servir a Jóvenes Latinos Necesitados

El Concilio Comunitario Vecinos de Pilsen se asoció con Illinois Dream Fund para recaudar fondos para becas para estudiantes de colegio. Las dos organizaciones se han unido bajo metas comunes… Read more »

CPS New Investment to Bring More Resources

CPS New Investment to Bring More Resources

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) announced a fiscal year 2013 (FY13) supplemental capital budget that includes an upfront investment of $155 million in welcoming schools to provide children with the resources… Read more »

Pilsen Neighbors Community Council and the Illinois Dream Fund Combine Efforts to Serve Latino Disadvantaged Youth

Pilsen Neighbors Community Council and the Illinois Dream Fund Combine Efforts to Serve Latino Disadvantaged Youth

Pilsen Neighbors Community Council has partnered with the Illinois Dream Fund to raise funds for college students’ scholarships. The two organizations have united behind their mission statements’ common goals of… Read more »

Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips

Bee Wrinkle FREE Fine lines and wrinkles are one of the most common skin problems women worry about but, ¿Is there a way to visibly reduce wrinkles without the adverse… Read more »

Nueva Inversión de CPS para Brindar Más Recursos

Nueva Inversión de CPS para Brindar Más Recursos

Las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) anunciaron un presupuesto de capital suplementario para el año fiscal 2013 (FY13) que incluye una inversión anticipada de $155 millones para promover que las… Read more »

Corea del Sur:  Nuestra Historia

Corea del Sur: Nuestra Historia

Por: Ashmar Mandou Trabajando como maestro de ingles en uno de los lugares más exóticos del mundo, incluyendo Taiway y Corea del Sur, el Editor en Jefe del Periódico Bilingüe… Read more »

‘Havana Blue’

‘Havana Blue’

Por: Ashmar Mandou Un tapiz de ricos sonidos, improvisación sincopada y maravillosa melodía acompañará la première mundial de “Havana Blue”, una excursión musical de profundas raíces de ritmos afrocubanos e… Read more »

Altering the Latino Narrative:  The Chicago Latino Film Festival Celebrates 29 Years

Altering the Latino Narrative: The Chicago Latino Film Festival Celebrates 29 Years

By: Ashmar Mandou The time has come, yet again, for all of Chicago to take part in one of the most culturally impactful festivals of the year. For 29 years,… Read more »