
Yearly Archives: 2013

Los Inmigrantes Piden Atención Médica para Todos

Los Inmigrantes Piden Atención Médica para Todos

Por: Ashmar Mandou Un grupo de abogados de los derechos del inmigrante y sus familias marcharon desde La Villita al Centro Médico de UIC para pedir una junta inmediata con… Read more »

Season Eight Brings An Exciting Future For UTC at Batey Urbano

Season Eight Brings An Exciting Future For UTC at Batey Urbano

UrbanTheater Company (UTC) is back! Under the leadership of Executive Director Ivan Vega, UTC announced its 2013/2014 season. UTC will kick off their Eighth Season with the Midwest Premiere of… Read more »

DAWWN Rallies Against Goodwill to Stop Economic Exploitation of People with Disabilities

DAWWN Rallies Against Goodwill to Stop Economic Exploitation of People with Disabilities

Americans Want Work Now (DAWWN) staged a rally against the offices of Goodwill at 30 N. Racine last Friday. Members of DAWWN demanded that Goodwill drop its 14(c) Certificate. Under… Read more »

Festival Lleva Esperanza a la Comunidad

Festival Lleva Esperanza a la Comunidad

Por: Ashmar Mandou Miles de miembros de la comunidad de Humboldt Park rodearon el Hospital Norwegian American en su evento HopeFest, el sábado pasado. El Hospital Norwegian American, en colaboración… Read more »

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

No one likes getting shots. It especially can be uncomfortable for small children and their parents who bring them to the doctor – at least for a few minutes. But… Read more »

Feria de ‘Regreso a la Escuela’ del Concejal Solís

Feria de ‘Regreso a la Escuela’ del Concejal Solís

La clínica pediátrica de la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago y el Concejal Danny Solís ofrecerán una feria de ‘regreso a la escuela’ el sábado, 17 de agosto, de 8… Read more »

Board of Health Takes Action to Curtail Cigarette Use Among Chicago Youth

Board of Health Takes Action to Curtail Cigarette Use Among Chicago Youth

Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) to undertake a series of initiatives aimed at curtailing the use of menthol cigarettes by youth in Chicago. “Recognizing and reducing the impact of… Read more »

What Really Happened to Osvaldo Paya?

What Really Happened to Osvaldo Paya?

By: Daniel Nardini                        The Christian Liberation Movement (CLM), a dissident organization operating within Cuba (usually underground because of Communist… Read more »

Productos Frescos en la Tienda de la Esquina Facilitan una Alimentación Saludable

Productos Frescos en la Tienda de la Esquina Facilitan una Alimentación Saludable

Imagínese que tiene diabetes. Su doctor le ha dicho que coma una variedad de frutas y vegetales frescos, pero la tienda más cercana no tiene esos productos. Eso era una… Read more »

Community Hospital Shows Innovation in Its New Clinic Model

Community Hospital Shows Innovation in Its New Clinic Model

On August 3, SAH Community Care Clinic, an affiliate of Saint Anthony Hospital, will bring together community leaders, patients and residents of Little Village and North Lawndale to celebrate the… Read more »