
Yearly Archives: 2013

Sandoval Votes to Regulate Fracking in Illinois

Sandoval Votes to Regulate Fracking in Illinois

Illinois State Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago) stood with fellow Senator Michael Frerichs (D-52) in passing the state’s first comprehensive set of standards for hydraulic fracturing – often referred to as… Read more »

Quejas: Zonas de Seguridad Estudiantil

Quejas: Zonas de Seguridad Estudiantil

Por: Carmen López Pregunta: ¿Que piensan de la propuesta ordenanza para Zonas de Seguridad Estudiantil en los barrios afectados por el cierre de escuelas? Hay una creciente preocupación de las… Read more »

Morton College Seleccionado para Participar en el 5º Año de la Academia de Liderazgo Latino de Illinois

Morton College Seleccionado para Participar en el 5º Año de la Academia de Liderazgo Latino de Illinois

Morton College se unirá a otras 19 organizaciones en un quinto cohorte de Illinois Latino Nonprofit Leadership Academy, programa intensivo diseñado a capacitar a líderes que sirven a la comunidad… Read more »

Whose Insurance Pays If You Fall At A Friends Home?

Whose Insurance Pays If You Fall At A Friends Home?

By: Howard Ankin It can happen: You are visiting a friend or a relative and you take a nasty fall and hurt yourself. The question of liability arises and you,… Read more »

Estudiantes Protestan en la Junta de Educación de CPS

Estudiantes Protestan en la Junta de Educación de CPS

Por: Ashmar Mandou Cuando la Junta de Educación anunció el cierre de 49 escuelas elementales, junto con masivos cortes al presupuesto, estudiantes de la ciudad decidieron no aceptar la noticia… Read more »

Illinois Currency Exchange Charitable Foundation Hosts ‘Back 2 School’ Kickoff

Illinois Currency Exchange Charitable Foundation Hosts ‘Back 2 School’ Kickoff

The Illinois Currency Exchange Charitable Foundation (ICECF) kicked off its ninth annual Back 2 School initiative last month. The largest program of its kind in Illinois, the ICECF education initiative… Read more »

American Revolutionary War Hero Jorge Farragut

American Revolutionary War Hero Jorge Farragut

By: Daniel Nardini One Hispanic war hero whose name has become legend is David Farragut, a hero of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865). The first admiral of the U.S. Navy,… Read more »

Ecuador’s Press Gag Law

Ecuador’s Press Gag Law

By: Daniel Nardini Like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden may eventually end up in Ecuador for “political” asylum. I find it ironic that Snowden would apply to Ecuador for asylum since… Read more »

The New Jungle

The New Jungle

By: Daniel Nardini It almost sounds like a page from the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, written in 1906. In a report entitled “Unsafe at These Speeds: Alabama’s Poultry… Read more »

On Guillermo Farinas

On Guillermo Farinas

By: Daniel Nardini While in the United States, Cuban political dissident Guillermo Farinas talked to Fox News about what things are like for him and those he knows. He gave… Read more »