Temporary Driver’s License Seminar Aids Undocumented Residents

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

On Saturday Jan. 18, Morton College will host a Temporary Vehicle Driver’s License seminar in partnership with State Rep. Lisa Hernandez from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“This is a great opportunity for qualified individuals to get the process started to obtain their drivers license,” Rep. Hernandez said.

Past seminars have assisted undocumented residents in successfully applying for and obtaining driver’s licenses under the new Illinois state law.

During the seminar, participants will be able to obtain their driving record transcripts from representatives of Secretary of State Jesse White’s office. Attorneys will also be present to offer help in understanding records and the application process.

Hernandez and her staff will conduct a presentation to help attendees better understand the requirements of the new law.

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