As another layer of snow blankets Chicagoland, Peoples Gas (PGL) and North Shore Gas (NSG) remind businesses and residents of the importance of keeping the area around their natural gas meters, regulators and piping clear from snow in order to ensure their proper and continuous operation.
Deep snow and ice buildup around gas meters can lead to meter damage, equipment malfunction and a disruption in service. Simply brushing deep snow away from the meter and regulator with a broom is sufficient. Never use a shovel or motorized snow removal equipment near your natural gas meter.
Customers with high-efficiency furnaces and water heaters that vent through the wall (not into a chimney) should be wary of a buildup of snow or ice outside around the vent.
Be sure to check outside vents just to make sure they aren’t covered with snow or ice and call Peoples Gas in cases of heavy ice buildups.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning can result from improper and/or inefficient burning of natural gas which can result from blocked furnace vents and/or insufficient ventilation. It’s required to have a CO alarm in the home according to Illinois law.
Those who experience flu-like symptoms only when at home should leave and arrange for a carbon monoxide check from their local emergency agency immediately.
As a reminder, natural gas meters needs to be inspected regularly as a safety precaution. If your meter is located inside your home or building, Peoples Gas or North Shore Gas will contact you to make an appointment when your inspection is due.
For more tips on safety around natural gas, including tips on CO safety, please visit our website at or