Avon Breast Health Outreach Program has awarded a $20,000 one-year grant to Esperanza Health Centers to increase awareness of the life-saving benefits of early detection of breast cancer and access to free breast cancer screening. It is the third year that Esperanza’s Partners of Hope breast cancer outreach and screening program has received funding from the Avon Foundation for Women to support its work in this important health issues, and in recognition of the program’s excellence.
The breast health program at Esperanza Health Centers will educate 5,000 Chicago-area women and refer them to low-cost or free mammograms and clinical breast exams in their own communities. The vital program will also ensure that over 400 low-income, uninsured women follow through with their mammography screening.
According to the American Cancer Society, 232,670 new cases of breast cancer will be detected in the U.S. this year and 40,000 lives will be lost. Nationwide, there is a new diagnosis every three minutes and a death from breast cancer every 13 minutes. While advances have been made in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure, early detection still affords the best opportunity for successful treatment.
Esperanza’s Medical Director, Alejandro Clavier (MD, MPH) commented on the significance of Avon’s support of the Partners of Hope program: “As we enter this period where most Americans will have insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act, there are those that are still left uninsured, with no coverage. For the low-income women who receive healthcare at Esperanza – most of whom are undocumented – the education and navigation services which Avon Foundation-funding supports are indispensable and life-saving. The Avon Foundation’s support truly helps us reach those that otherwise would not have access to breast cancer screening.”