Healthy CPS launches Public Education Initiative: Be Active. Eat Right. Learn Better!

With nearly half of Chicago Public School (CPS) students being overweight or obese, Healthy CPS aims to increase school capacity to provide students with access to quality health services and a healthy school environment that fosters academic achievement. Healthy CPS is an initiative of Healthy Chicago and led by the Chicago Public Schools Office of Student Health and Wellness. Made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Healthy CPS includes a Public Education Initiative which aims at reaching at least 500,000 individuals in Chicago during the period of April 1 through June 14, 2014.

The initiative will encourage healthy school environments as part of social norms, including tobacco-free schools, promote changes in school environments that contribute to healthy lifestyles and support academic achievement for CPS students. It will also increase visibility and value of Healthy CPS and the Office of Student Health and Wellness. Tips and information will be provided to parents on what they can do at home to supercharge their kids for learning. Additionally, CPS youth will be encouraged to support tobacco-free neighborhoods through the CHIDONT campaign. To learn more about Healthy CPS and the public education initiative, please visit To learn more about CHIDONT, please visit

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