Peace by Piece / Paz, Paso a Paso – A Youth-led Community Event

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Youth from Universidad Popular’s Uprising youth program will host a free community peace event to kick-off a summer long series of “Paz En Mi Barrio” community block parties at Gary Elementary School Soccer Field, 3740 W. 31st St., on Friday, May 23rd. These youth-led activities aim to promote peace through education, participation, self-empowerment, community beautification and action by creating fun, family-oriented spaces.

“Youth Safety!” is an issue our youth face in day to day activities that place our community youth “at-risk” says Reynaldo Gentil, a youth program member. “I cannot go to certain parts of my neighborhood because I run a chance of being harassed by gang members. It feels like there is a line or a border that divides our community and kids from this side cannot go to that side and kids from that side cannot come to this side.”

Peace by Piece / Paz, Paso a Paso is a platform created and led by Little Village youth in which they will share stories and speeches addressing the needs and some of the most prevalent issues pertaining to youth in their community. Other activities for youth and adults include: an outdoor movie screening, sports scrimmages, face painting, loteria, family-fun contests and a balloon release with a personal peace message attached. Food vendors will be present. This is a community event- families, friends and neighbors are all welcome. Peace by Piece / Paz, Paso a Paso is a youth-led event in which issues of violence, safety and community will be addressed through activities rooted in traditions of popular education, celebration and community-building.

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