Chevrolet Uses Soccer to Spread Play in Chicago

Chevrolet donated a pop-up soccer pitch to help Beyond the Ball, a youth and community development organization, transform a neighborhood associated with gang culture into a place where children can play and learn valuable life skills. Chevrolet also donated a 2014 Silverado pickup truck and trailer to the organization, which plans to use the equipment in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood.

Manchester United soccer legend Gary Bailey and Chicago Alderman Ricardo Munoz attended the donation ceremony in Little Village last week. “Chevrolet’s support will allow us to build better street soccer programs and spread play to areas where it’s needed most,” said Rob Castaneda, founder and executive director of Beyond the Ball. “It’s proven that play provides children with resilience and helps them better manage stress. Our goal is not to take the kids out of the community but enhance the neighborhood for them, turning violent streets into more playful and peaceful places.”

The donation is part of Chevrolet’s global “What Do You #PlayFor?” campaign, which launched in March and celebrates how play can transform communities where it is needed most.

“Soccer is a beautiful game that has the ability to bring people together and change lives in a positive manner,” said Paul Edwards, U.S. vice president, Chevrolet marketing. “Through our partnership with Manchester United and One World Futbol Project, Chevrolet is bringing people closer to the sport while at the same time helping spread play around the world.”

In April, Chevrolet revitalized a soccer pitch in Bandung, Indonesia, on behalf of a local organization that uses soccer to increase the quality of life for people living with HIV and drug addiction. This and other stories about Chevrolet’s effort to spread play around the world can be found in videos at

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