On May 30, the Illinois state legislature passed Senate Bill 3056, legislation sponsored by Representative Al Riley (D-38th) and Senator Daniel Biss (D-9th). If signed into law by Governor Quinn, the law would go into effect on January 1, 2015. The legislation makes several changes to the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Metropolitan and Transit Authority (MTA) Acts that the RTA has long held are critical to assuring that it is able to carry out its statutorily mandated oversight role. Key elements of the newly passed bill include:
Transparency: Creates a Mass Transit Transparency Accountability Portal and mandates that the RTA and CTA, Metra and Pace post information online regarding employment, vendors, safety-related issues and expenditures.
Compensation Review and Oversight: Grants the RTA the authority to review bonuses, employment contracts, severance agreements and settlement agreements entered into by CTA, Metra and Pace.
“Revolving Door” Prohibition: Contains a “revolving door” prohibition that prevents any RTA or Service Board board member from engaging in business with the RTA or any of the Service Boards for one year after leaving the board position.
Financial Oversight: Provides the RTA with real time access to the CTA, Metra and Pace’s financial information.