Chicago City of Learning Month of Code Challenge Launches

Mayor Rahm Emanuel launched the Chicago City of Learning (CCOL) Month of Code Challenge to all Cities of Learning to encourage young people to explore the science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) fields. Through CCOL, youth have the opportunity to earn digital badges by building video games, interactive stories, and mobile apps between July 9 and August 8, 2014.

Youth who participate in the Month of Code challenge will learn how to design and develop video games, interactive stories, and mobile apps. As youth earn digital badges each week, they are entered to win various prizes including movie tickets, video games, DVDs, gift cards, a Chromebook or and iPad Air.

Young Chicagoans of all ages can explore the Month of Code alone or visit CCOL Youth Hubs located in five different areas of the city. They can gain access to computers, work with others who are taking part in Month of Code, or receive assistance from a mentor. Chicago City of Learning has also launched Weekly Online Challenges, which features a Month of Code activity this week, offering additional prizes. To register for the Month of Code Challenge, please visit:

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