Prepare to Care For Your Loved Ones

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

By: Lorraine Cortés- Vázquez
Executive Vice President, Multicultural Markets and Engagement

Having plans and procedures in place helps everything run more smoothly. That’s why we need to plan methodically for our family’s future care needs. Our parents and grandparents, maybe even our spouses, may need help with daily tasks. At some point in all of our lives we will eventually be either a caregiver or need care. The time to prepare is now.

On average, Hispanics live longer than the general population. Combined with health issues that are prevalent and/or undetected in the Hispanic populations – things like diabetes and depression – the burden on caregivers can grow exponentially.

Most Latinos don’t think of themselves as caregivers because it is part of how we are raised. They are doing what is expected of them: taking personal care of their parents and relatives. It is done out of love, not solely duty. Yet, despite the underlying expectations being ever present, most Hispanic caregivers cited being caught by surprise and unprepared to face their caregiving journey.

How can you prepare for such an eventuality? As computer-savvy individuals, you know the internet provides a lot of information. An excellent resource to help you navigate the world of caregiving is (

This website can help you find resources in your own communities to help you care for others. But equally important, you can find tips and information on how to take care of yourself in your role as caregiver. That is equally important as many caregivers report having difficulty finding time for one’s self, managing emotional and physical stress, and balancing work and family responsibilities. The bottom line is that if you don’t take care of yourself you will be unable to take care of others. The more you know, the better prepared you will be. It’s not a matter of if you will be a caregiver or need care yourself, but it is a matter of when.

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