
Yearly Archives: 2014

Nuevo Rastreador de Baches Permite a los Residentes Rastrear las Reparaciones de Baches

Nuevo Rastreador de Baches Permite a los Residentes Rastrear las Reparaciones de Baches

El Alcalde Rahm Emanuel anunció el viernes el nuevo “Rastreador de Baches” de la Ciudad, que permite a los residentes de Chicago vigilar la actividad de una semana de relleno… Read more »

Latino Art Beat Goes to Hollywood

Latino Art Beat Goes to Hollywood

Cinephiles everywhere can realize their dreams of flashing lights and the silver screen in one of Tinseltown’s premier venues. On January 9, 2014, the national non-profit Latino Art Beat (LAB)… Read more »

Mayor Names Latina New Commissioner of Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection

Mayor Names Latina New Commissioner of Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection

Earlier this month, Mayor Rahm Emanuel named Maria Guerra Lapacek the new Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP). Her new position calls her to… Read more »

Information Sessions on the Affordable Care Act Available at Chicago Public Library

Information Sessions on the Affordable Care Act Available at Chicago Public Library

As open enrollment continues, the Chicago Public Library and community partners also continue the monthly series of programs to help people learn more about the Affordable Care Act by offering… Read more »

Gov. Quinn Introduces New Office of Health Innovation and Transformation

Gov. Quinn Introduces New Office of Health Innovation and Transformation

Last week, Gov. Pat Quinn introduced the new Office of Health Innovation and Transformation, which will monitor changes in health care and foster efforts to aid people with disabilities. The… Read more »

<em>Stay in School Initiative</em> Teaches Students Lessons In Equality, Non-Violence on Martin Luther King Day

Stay in School Initiative Teaches Students Lessons In Equality, Non-Violence on Martin Luther King Day

High school and middle school students and their mentors in the Exelon/ComEd/United Way Stay in School Initiative on Tuesday participated in a service event at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and… Read more »

Mujeres Latinas en Accion Seeks Bilingual Director, ETO Administrator

Mujeres Latinas en Accion Seeks Bilingual Director, ETO Administrator

Mujeres Latinas en Accion, a non-profit agency, is seeking a bilingual director to oversee two productions of the Vagina Monologues, one in Spanish and one in English and a part-time… Read more »

Representante Estatal Ofrece Clínica Legal para Residentes el 25 de Enero

Representante Estatal Ofrece Clínica Legal para Residentes el 25 de Enero

La Rep. Estatal Lisa Hernández ofrecerá una Clínica Legal el sábado, 25 de enero, de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m. Se espera que la clínica ayude a la gente a… Read more »

El Alcalde Nombra a Mujer Latina Nueva Comisionada del Departamento de Asuntos Comerciales y Protección al Consumidor de Chicago

El Alcalde Nombra a Mujer Latina Nueva Comisionada del Departamento de Asuntos Comerciales y Protección al Consumidor de Chicago

A principios de este mes, el Alcalde Rahm Emanuel nombró a María Guerra Lapacek como nueva Comisionada del Departamento de Asuntos Comerciales y Protección al Consumidor de Chicago (BACP). Su… Read more »

De Acuerdo a un Estudio Internacional, la Biblioteca Pública de Chicago es la Número Uno en E.U.

De Acuerdo a un Estudio Internacional, la Biblioteca Pública de Chicago es la Número Uno en E.U.

Un nuevo estudio conducido por la Universidad de Dusseldorf en Alemania, catalogó recientemente la Biblioteca Pública de Chicago como la biblioteca pública número uno de Estados Unidos y la biblioteca… Read more »