By: Ashmar Mandou
We Are/Somos Logan Square will host a series of educational and participatory events to connect the residents of Logan Square, and beyond, to better understand how gentrification actually works. The organization will explore the roles that developers and banks play, will also discuss racism and class lines, and much more. “As a cultural anthropologist who researches this, and as a kid who grew up in Logan Square, I can tell you that gentrification is the defining urban struggle of our time,” says Dr. Jesse Mumm, Northeastern Illinois University. “We are all talking about it, but few of us truly understand it as it is in Chicago: a racial fix that creates profit out of displacement, disrupts and disperses communities, and ultimately relies on and produces both overt and covert racism.”
We Are/Somos Logan Square has invited housing, youth, and social service leaders, financial experts and local academics to educate the community on how they can move forward together to create a more stable neighborhood for all residents. The series of discussions will challenge myths and create sustainable ways to keep the Logan Square neighborhood vibrant. “Decisions for our neighborhood shouldn’t be made by those who only seek a prolific profit. Decisions should be made by those who believe in the potential a neighborhood holds and helps the ones inhabiting to grow within it,” says Patricia Padilla, a member of We Are/Somos Logan Square and former life-long resident of Logan Square who was evicted last winter by M. Fishman Co., along with her family, from the apartment they rented for 13 years. The series will be held as follows:
The Basics:
What is gentrification and how does it impact all of us?
Wednesday, January 14th, 2015
7:00‐8:30 pm
Grace Methodist Church, 3325 W. Wrightwood Ave.
History of Gentrification:
Giving historical context to neighborhood change to learn from the past.
Saturday, January 17th, 2015
12:00‐1:30 pm
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 2649 N. Francisco Ave
Racism and Classism:
How and why displacement of minorities and poor people happens?
Wednesday, January 21st, 2015
7:00‐8:30 pm
Grace Methodist Church
3325 W. Wrightwood Ave.
Affordability saving Diversity:
Exploring ways the community can improve while preserving economic and racial diversity.
Saturday, January 24th, 2015
12:00‐1:30 pm
Humboldt Park United Methodist Church 2122
N. Mozart St.
We Are/Somos Logan Square is a grassroots organization with a mission to empower the community through dialogue and action. If you would like to learn more about We Are/Somos Logan Square visit