National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils Brings Youth Fitness Campaign to Illinois

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Fitness icon, Jake Steinfeld, Chairman of the National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils has declared war on childhood obesity. To help combat this disease, he’s bringing the Foundation’s multi-million dollar physical fitness campaign to Illinois and has engaged Governor Rauner to spearhead their efforts. The campaign encourages elementary and middle school educators to think outside the box by implementing innovative ideas in fitness and nutrition for their students. The nomination process opens today at and will run through mid June. Three schools, selected by the National Foundation, will be deemed National Champion Schools and will each be awarded $100,000 state-of-the-art Live PositivelyTM Fitness Centers. For more information about the National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils or to download a nomination form, visit

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