City Unveils Mobile Service for Early Learning

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Public Library (CPL) announced a mobile early learning program to deliver early learning enrichment opportunities in neighborhoods where children can benefit from additional enrichment experiences. The services will be delivered on-site at over 200 early childhood centers in high priority, high need communities. The STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) mobile units will allow the city to serve approximately 8,000 children per year through multiple visits. The curriculum, developed collaboratively with the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry and aligned with Early Head Start standards, includes several hands-on STEAM learning activities for young children along with family literacy programming facilitated by librarians. CPL will dispatch three vans with these STEAM-based learning kits throughout the city – one for each Library District. Parents interested in enrolling their children in early learning programs should visit for more information.

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