Chicago Star Scholarship to Offer CPS Grads Free College

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and City Colleges of Chicago Chancellor Cheryl Hyman announced that more than 700 Chicago Public School (CPS) graduates have fully qualified beginning this fall for the Star Scholarship, which removes barriers to college degree attainment by providing free tuition, fees and books for up to three years at City Colleges of Chicago (CCC). By beginning their college careers at CCC, hundreds of CPS graduates will make advancements toward their college degrees at no cost this year. This is the first year of the scholarship.

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Announced in October 2014 for CPS graduates with a 3.0 GPA and an ACT of 21 or higher, the scholarship expanded in June to serve more students who may have moderate remedial needs, but will be able to complete a degree within three years. Today, any CPS high school graduate who has an ACT score of 17 and 3.0 GPA or higher in math and English, and who enrolls in one of CCC’s pathways, is eligible for the Star Scholarship for up to three years after CPS graduation. Students who complete the first two years at one of the seven City Colleges and then transfer to a four-year institution can save up to $40,000 on the cost of a bachelor’s degree.

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