By: Karla Martinez
Summertime is a time to celebrate life! One of my favorite things about summer is making memories with my two little princesses—whether we’re swimming, indulging in ice cream or are playing at the park. But with the harsh effects of the sun’s UV rays and the acid in some of our favorite summer drinks, I can’t help but be more attentive to my health and the health of my family. This summer, I’m sharing some tips on how you can stay healthy and protected, while still enjoying all that the summer season has to offer.
Don’t underestimate the power of the sun. Always wear sunscreen, even if there is a slight overcast. Make sure to always bring a hat and sunglasses that block UV rays with you to protect your face.
Stay hydrated. Drink enough water to prevent thirst. Keep bottles of water around and remind your children to take sips here and there. Sometimes, in the midst of their fun, my girls get so focused on running around I have to stop and remind them to drink plenty of water.
Use the right products. Whether you’re enjoying snacks or frozen limeades with your friends, we often overlook the health of our mouths. I make sure to take care of my oral health by using Colgate Daily Repair which helps repair early teeth and gum damage.
Go natural. Remember Grandma’s tips: carrots give you a nicer tan and help maintain soft and silky hair. Aloe helps heal sunburns, and most importantly, laughter is the best medicine. ¡Nunca olvides sonreirle a la vida! (Never forget to smile at life!)