Chicago Public Schools took the next step in its school budgeting process, providing principals with adjusted school budgets to reflect their actual enrollment, resulting in increased funding for schools that had more students than projected and decreased funding for schools with fewer students than projected. In the past two years, CPS has not reduced schools’ funding when their enrollment fell short of projections, but this year budgetary constraints mean that the district can no longer afford to hold those schools harmless.
Enrollment in district-run schools that receive SBB funds is 302,834. Because of the enrollment adjustments, 240 district-run schools will gain $22.7 million in funding, while 262 schools will see reductions of $36.0 million in funding. Just as in previous years, teachers at district-run schools who are impacted by the funding adjustments will be notified on the 20th day of school, Oct. 5. Those teachers will be eligible to be rehired at schools with additional positions because of increasing enrollment, per CPS’ agreement with the union. Principals can begin hiring today. Many schools planned for their enrollment adjustments by leaving positions vacant and holding contingency funds, so the impact could be much smaller than the estimated 325 positions that would be closed if schools made cuts entirely based on student-based budgeting adjustments.
CPS is also releasing an additional $5 million in Title I funding directly to schools to support learning. Schools that are particularly challenged by the budget adjustment can work with their network chiefs to apply for the District’s program support fund to make sure essential classroom services are provided.