
Yearly Archives: 2015

La Rep. Hernández Premia a los Concursantes del Ensayo Dental

La Rep. Hernández Premia a los Concursantes del Ensayo Dental

Para promover la higiene dental entre nuestra juventud, la Rep. Estatal Elizabeth “Lisa” concluyó el Concurso Dental Anual y entregó a 6 ganadores, premios y certificados. Los 6 estudiantes fueron:… Read more »

Llenos de Orgullo

Llenos de Orgullo

Caption de Ashmar Mandou Amor, Igualdad. Paz. Alegría. Palabras escuchadas en el Desfile del Orgullo de Chicago, de labios de todos los participantes y simpatizantes que ayudaron a lanzar una… Read more »

ComEd Lanza Programa de Internado de Verano

ComEd Lanza Programa de Internado de Verano

Este verano, ComEd está contratando a más de 250 estudiantes para su programa anual de internado de verano, brindando a los adolescentes de la localidad una experiencia práctica en entrenamiento… Read more »

Compañías Utilitarias de Illinois se Reúnen para Crear Más Oportunidades para Proveedores Diversos

Compañías Utilitarias de Illinois se Reúnen para Crear Más Oportunidades para Proveedores Diversos

Líderes de compañías utilitarias de Illinois anunciaron recientemente la formación de Illinois Utilities Business Diversity Council diseñado para hacer crecer las oportunidades comerciales para proveedores diversos, por medio de una… Read more »

‘Know your status, get tested’

‘Know your status, get tested’

local activists breaking down barriers surrounding HIV By: Ashmar Mandou An estimated one in seven HIV positive individuals is unaware of their status in Chicago, that’s about 4,300 people and… Read more »

Communism is NOT Dead

Communism is NOT Dead

by Daniel Nardini A lady named Liu Ping has been continually denied medical parole even though she is suffering from daily diarrhea due to mistreatment (i.e. torture) and the filthy… Read more »

Battle Standard of a Non-existing Nation

Battle Standard of a Non-existing Nation

by Daniel Nardini My heart goes out to the survivors and the victims’ families whose loved ones were killed at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. It was truly horrendous… Read more »

Cauliflower mashed ‘potatoes’

Cauliflower mashed ‘potatoes’

Dietitian’s tip: This nonstarchy vegetable version of mashed potatoes is lower in calories and carbohydrates and a good source of vitamin C and folate. Serves 4 Ingredients 1 head cauliflower… Read more »

Raise Illinois’s Coalition Issues Statement Over Minimum Wage Increase

Raise Illinois’s Coalition Issues Statement Over Minimum Wage Increase

Raise Illinois issued the following statement on Tuesday as members of the Illinois State Senate gather in Springfield for a Committee of the Whole on Minimum Wage. “We applaud the… Read more »

Joyce Foundation, Chicago Arts Organizations Launch New Partnership

Joyce Foundation, Chicago Arts Organizations Launch New Partnership

Building on its history of promoting greater diversity in the arts and supporting cultural institutions set in communities of color, the Joyce Foundation has launched a new partnership with ten… Read more »