CPS Students Receive More Than $950 Million in Scholarship Offers in 2015

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Chief Education Officer Janice Jackson announced that the 2015 graduating class received more than $950 million in scholarship offers, an increase of over 21 percent from the previous year. The graduating class of 2014-2015 received a total of $956,970,918 in scholarship offers, which is a 21.62 percent increase from School Year 2013-2014 (SY 13-14), when students received $798,497,709 in scholarship offers. In SY 12-13, CPS students received $399,890,411 in scholarship offers, which means that in just two years, CPS students have more than doubled their scholarship offers. Beginning last school year, CPS began offering a comprehensive web tool to all CPS high school students that has streamlined the scholarship search and application process. This tool has removed barriers that might have prevented students from applying for scholarships in the past and highlighted opportunities that could have previously gone unnoticed. To keep students and staff informed of potential opportunities, the district hosts a scholarship information webpage on ChooseYourFuture.cps.edu, publishes a scholarship guide that provides a comprehensive overview of scholarship opportunities, and issues a monthly scholarship alert that highlights new offerings and upcoming deadlines.

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