Pick the Right Snack

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Laura Posada is kicking off her role as Wonderful® Pistachios’ health ambassador, and it’s no surprise that she’s taking on this new project. The renowned wellness coach and award winning spokesperson has always encouraged her followers to stick to a path towards a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. For those of you who have resolved to get fit this year, Posada offers her expert advice on how to maximize results through improved nutrition. According to Posada, regular exercise is important, but equally important are the food choices people make when working out. With gym season hitting its peak at the beginning of the year, Posada shares the dos and don’ts when it comes to picking the right snacks for pre and post-workout sessions:

Understand the importance of what you eat before your workout: It’s essential that you get to know what’s right for you and your body. Instead of working out on an empty stomach, which is not optimal, choose a snack that has protein, unsaturated fats and fluids. Eating something light like a banana, almonds, or pistachios will give your body the energy it needs to move forward and start your workout session.

Prep your meals ahead of time: What you decide to eat before and after a workout is extremely important for achieving optimal results. Pick snacks that are easy to carry and don’t require cooking or refrigeration, such as nuts or fruits. You’ll be prepared ahead of time and will avoid consuming vending machine snacks that might be high in added sugars and saturated fat.

Don’t forget to drink water! During any type of physical activity it’s crucial to stay hydrated. Water is always the best choice of beverage while working out and with meals. And, bonus – it’s sugarless and calorie-free!

Post-workout protein is key: Refuel immediately and help your body recover with foods that contain protein. Unlike potato chips, pistachios and other nuts are a good source of protein and fiber (they also contain only 14 grams of fat per serving). If you eat a salad, it doesn’t have to be plain or flavorless. Try the Wonderful Pistachios, Pear and Barley Salad, which may provide your body with the nutrients it needs to bounce back.

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