Illinois Senate Energy, Public Utilities Committee Holds Hearing on Next Generation Energy Plan to Support State’s Clean Energy Future

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

The Illinois Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee today held a hearing on Senate Bill 1585 – the Next Generation Energy Plan –legislation that would drive Illinois’ clean energy future while saving and creating jobs and strengthening the state’s economy. An outgrowth of months of still ongoing discussions between Exelon Generation, ComEd, and members of the Clean Jobs Coalition, the Next Generation Energy Plan advances the goals of a host of stakeholders by delivering clean energy, jumpstarting solar development, nearly doubling energy efficiency, providing for $1 billion in low-income assistance, and securing the future of Illinois’ nuclear plants. Labor leaders, low-income advocates, community leaders, and grid security experts attended today’s hearing to advocate for the bill, while key leaders within the Clean Jobs Coalition voiced support for important aspects of SB1585 and for a path forward for this comprehensive energy bill for the state. For more information or to read the testimony, visit

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