Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios has announced that reassessment notices were mailed to nearly 27,000 single-family and 13,000 condominium homeowners in Leyden Township. Reassessment notices contain proposed values for property Tax Year 2016, which will be reflected on Second-Installment Tax Bills to be mailed and due in the summer of 2017. Each year, the Cook County Assessor’s Office reassesses one-third of the nearly 1.8 million parcels of property located in Cook County. “Assessed Value” is 10 percent of market value. In this tax year, the Assessor’s Office is reassessing properties located in North Suburban Cook County. Leyden Township is the eighth township to be mailed in the Tax Year 2016 reassessment of North Suburban Cook County.
Again, tax years are billed and due for payment in the following calendar year. The time to file appeals on these proposed assessments is now, however, when the reassessment notices are received. The deadline for appeals for Leyden Township is July 15, 2016. Assessor Berrios stressed that homeowners do not need an attorney to file an appeal. There is no fee. A single-family homeowner may compare his or her assessment to those of similar homes. The proposed assessments for Leyden Township will be published in the Elm Leaves on June 23, 2016. The Assessor’s web site ( ) also allows taxpayers to search for assessment information on reassessed properties.