According to the National Weather Service (NWS), Illinois hasn’t had a winter without at least one winter storm in the past century. To help people prepare for potentially dangerous snow, cold and ice this winter, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), the NWS and local emergency management agencies will highlight winter weather preparedness throughout November. “Winter weather can turn dangerous rapidly, so the best time to prepare is before that first snowstorm or ice event,” said IEMA Director James K. Joseph. “Many injuries and fatalities related to winter hazards can be prevented if people take just a few minutes now to prepare.” Joseph said IEMA and the NWS developed a winter weather preparedness guide to help people understand winter weather risks, along with tips for staying safe at home, in the car and at school. It also includes lists of suggested items for home and vehicle emergency supply kits. The guide is available on the Ready Illinois website at “The latest winter outlooks are indicating a snowy and cold winter in Illinois, particularly compared to last year,” said Chris Miller, warning coordination meteorologist with the NWS office in Lincoln. “Now is the time to get ready for winter weather by winterizing your home and vehicle, putting a few extra survival items in your car and gathering supplies at home to be prepared in case of an extended power outage. Being ready for winter also means changing your driving habits by slowing down when roads are slick or visibility is low.”
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