Explore the imaginative world of puppets and marionettes with a series of FREE family performances at the Chicago Cultural Center (78 E. Washington) on Friday, January 20; Saturday, January 21; and Sunday, January 22, presented by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) and the Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival. The Puppet Festival runs January 19 through January 29 at venues throughout the city. For a complete schedule of performances, visit chicagopuppetfest.org.
Friday, January 20
Jabberwocky Marionettes
11 a.m., Claudia Cassidy Theater, 2nd Floor North
As part of Juicebox children’s performance series at the Chicago Cultural Center, the Chicago-based Jabberwocky Marionettes will perform with original and expertly-crafted marionettes and puppets. With its engaging music and dance performances in a kid-friendly setting, the bi-weekly Juicebox programs are geared toward the stroller set and enjoyable for the whole family.
Saturday, January 21 and Sunday, January 22
T(w)O MARIAS from Portmanteau
Noon – 4 p.m., Dance Studio, 1st Floor North
T(w)O MARIAS features handcrafted puppets and diorama-like set pieces in a walkthrough, immersive exploration of the ways that loss can shift and change our inner landscapes. Festival audiences are invited to observe and participate in the development of this new work-in-progress in a drop-in, open studio setting.
For general information, visit cityofchicago.org/dcase or call 312.744.3316.