The American Heart Association, Senator Mattie Hunter from Illinois’ third district, and other Illinois legislators are spearheading an initiative to implement Sugarless Wednesday across the state – a campaign to develop healthier communities by changing the overall lifestyle of residents with one small change. This program will take place every Wednesday through March 29th in 2017. “African-American and Hispanic communities throughout the state of Illinois are suffering from tremendous health disparities due to the high intake of sugar in their diets,” said Hunter. “If we can implement a campaign to encourage everyone to adopt a healthier lifestyle, even if it’s just for one day a week, the results will lead to an astounding increase in good health for our residents.” Senator Hunter is introducing a resolution declaring every Wednesday in February 2017 as Sugarless Wednesday in Illinois. Those who participate will sign pledge cards stating, “I pledge to do my best to go sugarless.” However, sugarless does not mean sugar-free. Instead, it means no sugary drinks such as soda and artificial fruit juice and reducing the consumption of sugary desserts and snacks. Illinois residents can join the initiative or find more information at Churches and community organization that wish to join the challenge can also contact the campaign organizer, Sandra Robinson, at (312) 943-3330 or at
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