The Town of Cicero is looking for relatives of Cicero residents who served during World War I in defense of our country. The Town has a list of veterans who served during World War I and would like anyone who is a relative to participate in the town’s celebration which will take place on Thursday, April 6, 2017 at the Cicero Community Center adjacent to Town Hall, 4949 W. Cermak Road. The event begins at 11 am. The following are the names of some of the individuals listed by the Town of Cicero as having served during World War I: George Barthels; Carl G. Berg; Walter B. Brandt; John Bukowski; Joseph Prihoda; George E. Bures; Edward Carr; Carl Wm. Dahleen; Jerry Drabek; William W. Stach; Edward Ralph Estep; Felix Gabryszak; Anton Hipsman; Joseph Jerry Jarolin; William F. Lawniczak; Stanley Luka; Walter Mann; Casimer J. Matulis; John P. Moskal; Max Nedlin; Joseph J. Peterka; Anthony Poydokas; Joseph John Rapspes; Albert Rusnak; Frank Schokanski; John R. Thoma; Edward Tuhacek; Laddie Valek; Thom Vitovec; Charles Vopenka; Robert Vrtiska; Joseph Wichardt; Peter Winkelman; Frank Zeman; Ignatz Zeman. President Larry Dominick and the Town of Cicero are remembering the United Sates entry into World War I 100 years ago at a ceremony on April 6, 2017. The ceremony will take place at 11:00a.m., at the Cicero Community Center. WWI started July 28, 1914. The U.S. entered the war in 1917. The Town of Cicero lost 38 Cicero residents to the war. A monument was designated to the 38 Cicero resident who lost their lives in the war. The event organizers are looking for relatives of family members who served during WWI to participate in the program. If you know of any or want further information, contact Cynthia at the Special Events Department 708-656-3600×288.
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