Alderman Cardenas Hosts Largest Clean and Green on Southside

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

On Earth Day (Saturday, April 22) the City of Chicago will hold a city-wide “Clean and Green” to promote environmental and neighborhood stewardship. As Chairman of the City’s Committee on Health & Environmental Protection, Alderman Cardenas will support this campaign by hosting his annual clean-up of Marshall Boulevard on Earth Day. This event involves four city blocks, hundreds of residents, and six community organizations, making it one of the largest Earth Day events in the City. Some activities will include flower plantings by the Spry Elementary Student Council; a joint clean-up of the local fire station by Girl Scouts Troop #21266 and Engine #109 firefighters; and trash pick-up of Marshall Boulevard by residents, Latinos Progresando, and ComEd volunteers. This event will happen on Earth Day, April 22, 2017 from 10AM – 1PM on Marshall Boulevard, from 21st Street to California Avenue. For more information please call or email Arturo Romo at (773) 603-0745 or

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