Morton College Hosts Run/Walk

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Morton College students hosted the HOPE Scholarship 5K run/walk last weekend to raise funds for classmates who do not qualify for federal financial aid. “We are very proud our students have continued this tradition of helping one another,” said Dr. Stan Fields, president of Morton College. “Morton College is an inclusive institution, and we encourage our students to help foster that type of environment every day. The HOPE Scholarship is a perfect example of that.” To receive the scholarship, students must earn a 3.0 grade-point average and live in the Morton College district. After submitting the application, the students are interviewed by the HOPE committee, which consists of students, faculty and staff. The scholarship specifically tends to help students whose parents may be undocumented immigrants. This year, the scholarship will be awarded on May 12, during the Morton College Foundation Convocation. “This scholarship is important, and the impact extends off campus,” said Andrea Chavarria, Morton College Student Trustee. “The HOPE Scholarship shows that Morton College supports our community and that anyone can make change happen.” If you would like to learn more, visit

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