Regional Transit Agencies Thank Riders and Celebrate Dump the Pump Day 2017

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

On Thursday, June 15, the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) will join the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Metra and Pace Bus in celebrating the 12th annual Dump the Pump Day, a national initiative that promotes the benefits of public transportation and encourages commuters to leave their cars at home. During morning rush hour on June 15, Cubic Transportation Systems, the developer of the Ventra™ fare payment system, will offer a free cup of coffee as a thank you to transit riders who show a Ventra Card, the Ventra mobile app or Metra ticket, while supplies last. Cubic is sponsoring the ‘Coffee from Cubic’ from coffee trucks at the Northwest Transportation Center in Schaumburg; the CTA Roosevelt Station; and near Ogilvie Transportation Center and Union Station in Chicago. “We know that access to convenient public transportation is a major factor in attracting businesses and employees,” said Leanne Redden, RTA Executive Director. “More than 60 percent of those who work in and around Chicago’s Loop take public transit to get there. On Dump the Pump Day, we celebrate those regular riders and those who don’t usually ride our system, asking them all to “dump the gas pump” for at least one day! Regular or first time riders should look for and share #DumpThePumpChi or #DTPChi as part of the celebration.” To learn more about the benefits of transit, visit

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