Mayor Rahm Emanuel launched the enhanced universal preschool application designed to improve access and help families to identify options that meet the needs of their early learners. This online site provides a single point of entry to access a comprehensive menu of over 600 programs for three- and four-year olds available under Chicago Public Schools (CPS), Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) and city-administered community-based sites citywide. Since taking office, Mayor Emanuel has made full-day early learning opportunities a priority, expanding preschool programming to serve 18,000 children across the city—an increase of 70 percent since 2011. Over 10,000 preschool applications have been submitted for upcoming schoolyear. In its second year online, the application at has been redesigned following consultation with focus groups that included more than 150 parents. The improved site creates a streamlined process with comprehensive information on all programs available to families.
Families of children who will be three- or four-years old on September 1, 2017 can now submit applications online for enrollment in fall 2017 early learning programs. The online application process allows parents to receive real-time information about program availability in their desired location, eliminating the need to visit multiple sites to apply for preschool. Notifications for placement in programs for the upcoming school year will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis, prioritizing families based on need. Families can access support in the application process at one of twelve Neighborhood Resource Centers located in Chicago Public Library (CPL) branches and sites throughout the city. Branches include: Austin Library, Avalon Library, Bezazian Library, Budlong Woods Library, Humboldt Park Library, Legler Library, Little Village Library, McKinley Park Library, Portage-Cragin Library, Thurgood Marshall Library, West Lawn Library and Coleman Library. For any questions on the enrollment process, or to get assistance with an application, parents are encouraged to call the Chicago Early Learning Hotline at 312-229-1690.