CPD Superintendent Johnson Welcomes New Police Recruits

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Police Department (CPD) Superintendent Eddie Johnson welcomed on Monday 111 new police recruits to the Department’s Training Academy, the eighth class of new recruits this year as part of the Department’s hiring plan to add nearly 1,000 officers. The August class of recruits will benefit from new training opportunities initiated this year as part of the Departments reform efforts and commitment to rebuilding trust through training that reflects the city’s values and cultural heritage. These training include, the Department’s new use of force policies released this past May following month of public input, a new cultural awareness training at the DuSable Museum of African American History.

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

“I am proud to welcome the next generation of Chicago police officers who will be part of our efforts to provide better service to all Chicagoans and more effectively combat crime,” said CPD Superintendent Eddie Johnson. “We are committed to investing in our personnel and training to give us the resources we need to make our city and our officers safer.” Monday also marks the first day new candidates can apply for the next Police Entry Exam on the weekend of December 16, and be part of a new generation of police officers who will be future leaders who define how police support, protect, and work together with Chicago’s communities. “The Mayor, the Police Department and the City of Chicago reaffirmed our sworn commitment to improving public safety and increasing the ties between police and the communities they serve with this new class,” said Chairman Reboyras. “Together we will work to get guns, gangs and kids off the street while expanding and improving upon the community partnerships that empower our officers. I want to thank every recruit for their incredible selflessness and sacrifice.” The minimum age to apply and take the police exam is 20. At the time of hire (not at time of application), candidates must be a resident of the city of Chicago, have a valid State of Illinois Driver’s License, have 60 semester hours of college credit or 36 months of continuous active duty service; or one year continuous active service with 30 semester hours college credit.

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