The City Council Latino Caucus on Thursday responded to the news that a school voucher program was being considered in Springfield that could devastate funding for the Chicago Public Schools. Mayor Rahm Emanuel recently avoided questions about that rumored plan. “Thankfully, Mayor Emanuel has not come out in support of school vouchers,” said Latino Caucus Chairman Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36). “At the same time, it is frightening to think that the Mayor did not condemn a voucher program, given Chicago Public Schools’ financial mess.”
“The mayor should disavow the idea of a voucher program, which would clearly harm an already deeply underfunded, indebted system,” said Ald. George Cardenas (12). Throughout the ongoing Springfield battles for fair school funding, Gov. Bruce Rauner has demanded vouchers be a part of any school funding bill. To date, legislators from across the state have defended students, parents and teachers by refusing the Governor’s demands. Now is not the time for these legislators and Mayor Emanuel to give up on public schools, the Latino Caucus contended. “Chicago Public Schools could not recover from a voucher program that would siphon at least $100 million out of a system that seems to be constantly struggling,” said Ald. Villegas. “Gov. Rauner, President Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos praise vouchers because they know they are a way to attack unions and privatize education. We will not stand idly by and allow our democratic ideals to be attacked. We will stand up for our teachers, parents and students.” The City Council’s Latino Caucus includes 11 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chairman Gilbert Villegas of the 36th Ward, the Caucus membership includes Ald. Joe Moreno (1), Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10), Ald. George Cardenas (12), Ald. Raymond Lopez (15), Ald. Ricardo Muñoz (22), Ald. Danny Solis (25), Ald. Roberto Maldonado (26), Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30), Ald. Milly Santiago (31) and Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35).