The Berwyn Development Corporation (BDC) presented Heritage Middle School with a philanthropic grant for their VEX Robotics Team. The grant provided the school with funds to provide materials for and participate in the VEX Robotics Competition In The Zone. The competition consists of two alliances (two teams per alliance) whose goal is to attain a higher score than the opposing alliance. The alliances use their robots to compete in matches consisting of various challenging tasks such as stacking cones on goals and scoring mobile goals in goal zones. The robotics program helps students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to continue their engagement in high school and college. Preparing for the competition and competing allowed students to collaborate with teammates and learn the engineering and design process, including how to code an autonomous robot. Ultimately, the students are engaged in the full process of creating something from nothing. A philanthropic check presentation was held in conjunction with the BDC on January 20th. For more information on Heritage Middle School, please call (708) 749-6110 or visit
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