Caption by Ashmar Mandou
Chicago Public Schools (CPS), a member of the Urban School Food Alliance, celebrated Fresh Attitude Week from May 7th through 11th. During the week, CPS hosted local chefs to do food demonstrations as well as plant gardens. In collaboration with the French Department of Agriculture and in partnership with Interfel (French Inter-Branch Association of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables which created Fresh Attitude Week), Fresh Attitude Week has now become an annual event in America, along with France and Italy, to highlight fresh fruits and vegetables in school meals. The program introduces students to new fruits and vegetables to expand their palates and attitude towards food. Many inner city students live in food deserts with little access to fresh items, so it is important to educate them about a variety of produce available in the marketplace. The CPS schools that participated in Fresh Attitude were Sandoval Elementary and Chicago Vocational Career Academy (CVCA).