High school junior Aaron Hanania published his first novel this month, a Science Fiction mystery about a science experiment gone-wrong, involving a misguided scientist, unknowing participants, and two children who turn the experiment and the scientist’s plans upside-down. Hanania, 17, said he was inspired to write the book because of a love for writing and a desire to improve his communications skills. A straight A honor student for almost all of his school life, Hanania said that he wrote the entire book using his iPhone 6 between classes at Sandburg High school in Orland Park where he participates in several school activities including as a writer with the Aquila school newspaper and as a member of the High school student government.
“Writing is so important, especially to young people. Although we have the technology to help us, I think we also need to continually improve our writing and communication skills. They are fundamental to everything that we do,” said Hanania, who was born in Yekaterinburg, Russia. “Writing the novel gave me firsthand experience in learning how to improve my writing skills and also improve my communications with others. So many of my school friends use the technology but don’t appreciate how important writing and communicating are to our future careers and our goals in life.”
Hanania has been giving presentations to other students on how to use today’s technology and writing to improve their educational grades and create a foundation to achieve their career goals. “As kids, we play a lot of video games, online and on gaming systems, and we master the technology,” says Hanania. “We need to use the skills we gain from the technology gaming and apply them in a positive and productive way. I tell other students that if they don’t have a novel already in their heads, they can begin by writing their own personal story. The most important thing, though, is to get involved in actively writing. Be positive. Be confident. And don’t be afraid to explore your creative side through writing.”
Photo Captions: Book Cover of “The King’s Pawn” by Aaron Hanania, published in June 2018 and available on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble and through the author’s website at www.Aaron411News.com.
Author Aaron Hanania, 17, who will be a senior next year at Sandburg High school in Orland Park in Chicago’s Southwest suburbs