The risk of eye ailments such as cataracts can be diminished simply by wearing sunglasses when you’re outside. And not just during the summer either. For many people, it’s a lesson that goes back to childhood: if you are spending time in the sun, use sunscreen. Similar advice can also be given to protect your eyes. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) has issued an advisory on the damage that sun exposure can cause to the eyes — including diseases such as cataracts. “I certainly think that the eyes need to be protected every bit as much as the skin from sun exposure,” Dr. Randy McLaughlin, an ophthalmologist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, told Healthline. With summer in full swing — and record-setting heatwaves across the United States — it’s more important than ever to protect the eyes with a good pair of sunglasses. The biggest risk of sun exposure to the eyes is the development of cataracts — a clouding of the lens in the eye that reduces vision. Cataracts are a common ailment, particularly as people age. But wearing sunglasses can help limit the progression of an ailment that can ultimately lead to blindness. Ultraviolet (UV) exposure can also increase the risk of macular degeneration, growths on the eye, and a rare form of eye cancer, according to the AAO advisory. Wearing sunglasses is associated with summertime fun in the sun, but the AAO cautions that the risk of UV rays isn’t limited to one season. The organization says that anyone serious about protecting their eyes should wear sunglasses in the spring, winter, and fall as well.
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