Artistic Director Barbara Gaines shared her excitement about this year’s Chicago Shakespeare in the Parks tour, featuring her 75-minute version of the ever-popular A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Mischief ensues when the Fairy Court discovers four young lovers in the park, and an amateur theater troupe rehearsing nearby. The 2018 tour continues through August 26, heading to parks all across the north, west, and south sides of Chicago. Grab a blanket or lawn chair and come as you are to a performance near you.
Dvorak Park
Thursday, Aug. 16th at 6:30p.m.
1119 W. Cullerton St.
Ogden Park
Wednesday, Aug. 22nd at 6:30p.m.
6500 S. Racine Ave.
Piotrowski Park
Thursday, Aug. 23rd at 6:30p.m.
4247 W. 31st St.