Humanity United, NoVo Foundation Announce Support for Grassroots Organizations

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

The Partnership for Freedom announced recipients of new grants to address labor and sexual exploitation at the local level by bolstering survivor leadership and strengthening grassroots organizing in Atlanta, Chicago, and Minneapolis. The four grant recipients are: Survivor Alliance, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative, Raise the Floor Alliance, and Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha (Center for Workers United in Struggle). Last February, the Pathways to Freedom Challenge also announced its support of three senior fellows in Atlanta, Chicago, and Minneapolis to develop citywide approaches to better prevent human trafficking and support survivors. The grants announced will complement local government efforts by working at a community level to address some of the cities’ biggest challenges.  The Partnership for Freedom, created by Humanity United, is a public-private partnership dedicated to spurring innovation in the fight to end human trafficking. Pathways to Freedom, the Partnership’s third challenge, is led by Humanity United and the NoVo Foundation.  Learn more at or follow @pathwaysfreedom on Twitter and Facebook.

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