As temperatures have dipped, ComEd has been hard at work to ensure the power grid is ready to meet the energy needs of customers in northern Illinois and Chicago all winter long. ComEd continued its work to create an advanced energy delivery system in 2018, improving reliability for customers and building smart infrastructure for the future. By installing advanced technology – including tree-resistant cables and more than 3,000 smart switches that reroute power around problem areas – the energy provider prevented more than 1.1 million interruptions to customers’ service in 2018 alone. With those savings, the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program is one of the nation’s best-performing efficiency plans. The Future Energy Jobs Act, a bipartisan bill that passed the Illinois General Assembly late in 2016, significantly expands the ComEd energy efficiency offerings to help customers save an additional more than $7 billion and reduce electricity use in Illinois by 21 percent by 2030. For more information on ways customers can save money and energy, visit Customers in need of financial assistance can visit the nearest CEDA (Cook County) or LIHEAP (suburbs) agency to apply for assistance. For a list of social service agencies accepting applications, call CEDA at 800-571-2332 or LIHEAP at 877-411-9276, or visit
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