Congressman Mike Quigley (IL-05) and local elected leaders announced their support for progressive candidate for city treasurer Ameya Pawar on Tuesday. “With our values under attack by divisive politicians, now more than ever we need elected officials who will lead on tackling income inequality and drive investments into our neighborhoods,” said Quigley. “That’s why I’m proud to endorse Ameya Pawar for treasurer. I trust Ameya to work tirelessly to secure Chicago’s financial future through bold, principled leadership.” Congressman Quigley is the Democratic representative of the 5th District of Illinois which covers most of the north Chicagoland area. Pawar was also endorsed by State Rep. Jaime Andrade, State Rep. Greg Harris, State Rep. Ann Williams and State Sen. Heather Steans. “I am grateful to be endorsed by Congressman Quigley, State Representatives Williams, Andrade and Harris, and State Sen. Steans,” said Pawar. “Our future depends on taking concrete steps towards reforming an unbalanced political system, and I’ll need these principled leaders working alongside me as we enact a bold progressive agenda to harness the power of 2.7 million Chicagoans and invest in our neighborhoods and each other.” Ald. Ameya Pawar was first elected alderman in 2011 and was reelected in 2015. He is the first Indian-American and Asian-American elected to the Chicago City Council.
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